FSRA New Fee Rules & Request for Comment
The Voice – October 10, 2018
FSRA Ontario is gearing up to be up and running for April 1, 2019. Being the new entity in Ontario’s Financial Regulation sector, they sought consultation in the creation of rules to be set forth for their launch.
During the month of September, CMBA and other industry members were invited to meet with FSRA for consultations on proposed Fee Rules for the mortgage industry. Our goal in these consultations were to be the voice of our members, and to provide constructive feedback on their proposed rules and licensing cycle.
FSRA has posted a Notice and Request for Comment on these proposed rules. The deadline for comment submissions is January 4th 2019. CMBA Ontario will continue to monitor the process and continue to send updates.
Upcoming Agenda
November 21, 2018
Join us for this half-day session beginning at
8am for registration, mini trade show & hot buffet breakfast!
8am Registration, Mini Trade Show, Breakfast
8:45am Opening Remarks by Claudio Polito – AIC Ontario Pres. Elect
9am “Is it Legal or Not?” with Geoff Rabideau – Principal Lawyer Rabideau Law
9:30am AIC Insights with Dan Brewer
10:30am Coffee Break & Mini Trade Show
11:15am-12:30pm “Coach’s Corner” Panel Discussion
“Coach’s Corner” Panelists:
David Carter – Grechi Carter Real Estate Lawyers
Gordon Sommerville – Home Value Inc. Appraisals
Jared Morrison – Alta West Capital
Jim Mancuso – First Ontario Credit Union