FSRA Fee Rule Update
The Voice – September 20, 108

At this meeting, CMBA Ontario provided a joint presentation providing the FSRA Board with background industry information. They will be taking this information into consideration when building the new fee structure. Click here to learn more about FSRA’s announcement on the creation of the Ad Hoc Fee Rule Industry Advisory Groups and the new Fee Rules.
CMBA Ontario will continue to have an open dialogue with issues such as this, and keep you updated.

When: Wednesday, November 21 8am-12:30pm
(breakfast included!)
Cost: $25+hst for Members, $40+hst for Non-Members
Professional Development Symposiums will give you the opportunity to get up close and personal with industry experts! Held in different locations across the province, CMBA Ontario delivers quality educational sessions with lenders, experienced brokers and more, to help you develop knowledge and skills in the profession.