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New Program: Members Only!

Equifax Advanced Credit
Certification Program

Our self-serve, interactive credit file training offers the expertise required to provide a high level of consumer-focused service to help you close deals and build customer loyalty.

Members Take Advantage of the Discounted Rate of $375!

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How can our credit file education training help grow your business?


Differentiate yourself

“Be the first” to differentiate yourself with an industry-recognized accreditation developed by Equifax, the market leader serving the credit and lending industry for 100+ years.

Strengthen your reputation

Build customer loyalty and provide exceptional guidance on your customers’ credit history including the credit process and Equifax credit reports.

Stay up to date on credit process

Demonstrate the commitment you have to your clients by keeping your knowledge of consumer credit up-to-date, with ongoing bi-annual training and testing.


Get Started & Register


Learn & Grow


Become Certified

What you’ll learn when you enroll in our credit file training program

Learn at your own pace with this eight-module, self-serve, interactive credit certification. When you enroll in this new certification program, you’ll strengthen your knowledge of the entire credit ecosystem from fraud and market trends to credit scores and credit file data.

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